Good Idea vs. Step Too Far?

"Internet 'Kill Switch to shut down entire swathes of the Web, or even the whole Internet, at the president's order. "

8 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by Jeff on 6/18/10

1 fan

9 fans

Let California Get Terminated - Fail vs. Bail Them Out, In our Best Interest

"It’s no secret that California is in a heap of crap; unions, regulations, illegal immigration, poor fiscal management, are a few reasons why. Would you bail them out with tax payer money (debt) or would you let them be terminated? Let fail. "

5 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by The Boss on 5/10/10

8 fans

1 fan

US Tax System is Fine, No Worries vs. We are in a lot of Trouble – Broken

"Did you know that it’s estimated that 47% of Americans will pay no federal income tax for 2009? Is the fact that nearly half of the country enjoys the benefits yet pays nothing in a problem? Is this the American way?Is the tax system broke "

10 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by The Boss on 5/10/10

0 fans

10 fans

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder vs. Liberalism is not a Mental Disorder

"Is liberalism a mental illness and if it is, is there a cure? "

38 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by TNinfidel on 4/08/10

4 fans

7 fans

I Trust Attorneys / Lawyers More vs. I Trust Politicians More

"Who do you have more trust in? Politicians or Attorneys? I know, it's a tough one. "

7 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by The Boss on 3/21/10

11 fans

0 fans

Returns Should Exceed Contributions vs. Returns Shouldn’t Exceed That Paid

"Regardless of race, age, sex, or any other variable; In the USA should anyone receive more money than they paid in taxes "

8 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by The Boss on 3/12/10

2 fans

8 fans

Uphold and Abide by the Constitution vs. Constitution is Outdated/Irrelevant

"Are you okay with the continued destruction of the US Constitution or do you believe our Founders got it right? "

18 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by The Boss on 11/19/09

7 fans

1 fan

Sure We Can Be Friends vs. I Want Nothing To Do With Them

"Political discussion tend to turn heated. Can you be friends with someone who strongly opposes your political view? "

9 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by The Boss on 8/30/09

11 fans

0 fans

Power and Control vs. Best Interest of "The People"

"What do you think President Obama's real objective is? Power and Control or does he have our best interest in mind? "

9 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by The Boss on 8/26/09

8 fans

7 fans

should the government get to choose vs. Should you get to choose

"Should you get to choose what you do as long as you’re not hurting anyone else. As an example, should smoking pot be legalized in a similar way to alcohol or are you happy with the government telling people what to do? "

11 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by bowchamp on 8/08/09

0 fans

13 fans

dollar will take back off in a year vs. dollar will be worse in a year

"This is a debate in regards to how the dollar will be affected by Cap and Trade, Taxes, and Social Med if passed. "

6 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by big ben on 7/01/09

4 fans

10 fans

Going to Lead the US to Success vs. Going to Destroy the US

"Barack Obama has been in office for several months now. Is he going to lead the US to success or destroy it? "

28 comments | Posted in Politics / Other by The Boss on 4/05/09

19 fans

13 fans