"When going on vacation would you rather rent a condo or a hotel room? "
RFID Chips in Passports are Fine vs. Invasion of Personal Privacy and Risk
"In 2005 the Office the Department of State issued a change in regulation that mandated all US passports issued after October 2006 be implanted with an RFID chip. Are you okay with this or is this an invasion of privacy and unneeded risk? "
"If you had the option to choose a futuristic technology, what would it be? Would you time travel or fly in your car? "
Old People Behind the Wheel vs. Teenage Drivers Scare Me
"Which group of people is more threatening to you? Do you fear the Old Fogies or the Young Teenie Boppers who think they "
Hotel - Continental Breakfast vs. Bed and Breakfast
"When traveling what accomadations do you prefer? Bed and Breakfast or a Hotel with a Continental Breakfast? "
The Driver Controls the Radio vs. The Passenger Controls the Radio
"Who is the Commander of the Radio while on the road? Does the power reside with the passenger or driver? "
Sleeping in a Car vs. Sleeping in a Airport
"Sometimes you don't have the luxury of sleeping in your own bed. Which would you rather do? Sleep in the car or airport? "
Yosemite National Park vs. California Redwoods National Forest
"If you were going on vacation to California would you rather visit the Redwoods or Yosemite? Need some help deciding. "
Obnoxious Kids on Flight vs. Obese Passenger Sitting Next to You
"Both situations are undoubtedly annoying but which one is worse? Obnoxious kids or an Obese passenger sitting directly next to you on a cramped flight. "
"The beautiful Big Apple or the Pearl of the Orient? What place is more beautiful or somwhere you love or hope to travel to? New York City versus Hong Kong! "
Pretty comical looking back at Facebook immediately censoring this documentary only for it to be proven as accurate information.
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