"Disagreeing has never been so much fun!"
![]() The Boss wrote on 8/03/08
Thanks Jana, We're planning on sending shirts to everyone who has helped us with the website and trust me you're on the list. We're having some issues with the home made ones making it through the wash but I am looking into having some professionally done, and when we get them together I'll get your address and send one your way. As always thanks for the support. ![]() The Boss wrote on 6/27/08
Jana, I just saw your first comment on my profile. To answer your question about being able to see if someone has commented on a rivalry your involved with here is what we're looking to do. When your logged into your profile, look where it say rivalries under your name. (Profile, RIVALRIES, Friends) Eventually, once you click on that link it will take you to a page that lists all of the rivalries you are involved with by default. It will also list if any additional users have taken a side and if any comments have been added. I don't know if we'll be able to break it down to where your notified if your comment is replied to but I will run it by Dennis. I'll also see about some form of notifications if things have been added to a rivalry on top of the page when your logged in. Thanks for the questions and pointers and keep them coming. Ryan ![]() The Boss wrote on 6/27/08
Jana, I sent you a email to your yahoo address with the picture in it. Ryan ![]() The Boss wrote on 6/27/08
LOL... Yes, the logo was designed using a childhood picture of my brother and I as a very loose reference. However, I am the brother on the left (younger) and the other one was modeled after my brother. After considering our options we actually decided to have the goatee added to the picture to make the age difference more apparent. I'll try and hunt down the picture that was used as a reference. Hope that puts your mind at ease. lol Look forward to seeing you when you come out and thanks for everything once again. I promise we will go public with the site before too long and then hopefully there will be a ton of conversing and content added. Comment rating system will hopefully be done this weekend and the following week will have user folders for their personal images on their profile. Meaning you can add as many pictures as you want and sort them into folders. Take Care ![]() The Boss wrote on 6/23/08
Jana, We're not 100% sure on the launch day (public) as of yet. We're having to make choices on what features we need to have in place and which ones we can wait on. One thing I'm leaning back and forth on is video support. I would like to have it up but it may take several weeks to implement. I'll keep you posted and as always thank you for help Crystal and I out on the website. Ryan ![]() cutie122403 wrote on 6/18/08
Hey, I miss you too. Are you ever going to move back? Let us know when you come up and we can take you out to dinner and a movie. WE can all go out. Thanks so much for all the support on the website. We won't forget it. I'm glad you love it, isn't is great? It's looking better and better everyday. ![]() The Boss wrote on 6/15/08
Jana, In the next couple of weeks we are going to go full blown public with the website. Seeing how you have been one of our biggest supporters, will you please let us know if there is anything you think should be changed or added? There are limitations to what can be done but your opinion is truly valued. ![]() The Boss wrote on 6/09/08
Thanks Jana, I love those images on the side of the rivalries as well. Did you notice the arrows that let you navigate through the rivalries in the category your viewing? Oh and I love the gay ads. lol ![]() The Boss wrote on 6/04/08
Jana, I can now edit rivalries and I added some images to the Myspace/Facebook rivalry. Thanks for all of your support. |