Obama Deserved the Nobel Peace Prize vs. Obama Didn't Deserve the Nobel Prize
"Has Barack Hussein Obama accomplished enough in his life to be deserving of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize? "
"A well regulated militia" vs. "the right to keep and bear arms."
"In the wake of the tragedy at Aurora, CO some have suggested that this discussion is too early, but when should it be discussed? Is now not the time? Two days, two months, two years? After, God forbid, it happens again? "
Man Made Explosion – Attack on Oil vs. Natural Accident Got Bad Real Quick
"The timing of the tragic event has sparked some conspiracy theories that this was a manmade disaster, attack, or sabotage of the Gulf Coast oil platform. Was BP attacked or was it a accident gone real bad? "
Fort Hood Could Have Been Stopped vs. Fort Hood Was Inevitable
"Given the Intelligence and Red Flags that were available, could Fort Hood have been prevented or was it inevitable? "
Should have kept child to raise. vs. Should have returned child to Russia.
"Had this been your child, knowing they have serious issues, would you let them go? "
This is America. Land of the Free vs. Horrible Decision By the Parents
"Abby Sunderland, a sixteen year old who wanted to be the youngest person to sail around the world is awaiting rescue in the Indian Ocean after a storm damaged her boat. Was letting he attempt this reckless or is this still America? "
Julian Assange is a Hero. Good Work! vs. Julian Assange is a Villain. Criminal
"Do you think Julian Assange is a Hero or villain? Is his leaks on wikileaks a heroic way of exposing government corruption or an unlawful abuse of classified information? "
Believe the law was necessary. vs. Believe the law was unnecessary.
"President Obama signed into law the Honoring America's Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 into law. Agree with the new law or disagree? Why? "
Protestors Should Be Looking for Jobs vs. Better Results from Protesting
"For the last several weeks we’ve seen images and videos of the protestors who have occupied Wall Street, DC, San Francisco. Whether you agree with their message I have to ask; would they be better off spending their time looking for jobs? "
Tomas Lopez. Should he keep his job? vs. You're fired!!!
"Lifeguard Tomas Lopez was told "He's drowning! He's drowning!" He ran 1,500 feet beyond his company's designated "swim" boundary to save a man from drowning! His reward? He was promptly fired for violating policy issues. Right or wrong? "
Open Border - No Fence or Wall vs. Build the Wall on US - Mexico Border
"Throughout Trumps entire campaign he promised to build a wall on the southern border. Not only a wall but a YUGE wall that continuously got bigger and bigger the more it was contested. Should the wall be built? Do sovereign nations have the right to control immigration and who enters their countries? "
Pretty comical looking back at Facebook immediately censoring this documentary only for it to be proven as accurate information.
Posted in: Plandemic is Credible vs. Just another Conspiracy Theory - (0 Responses)