North Korea - Will Only Bluff vs. North Korea - Will Use a Nuclear Bomb
"Kim Jong-il is Nuts but do you think he'll actually strike another country with a nuclear weapon? "
Lunacy – Mockery of Our Heros vs. Exactly What the Seals Deserve
"Three soldiers are being court-martialed for allegedly kicking or hitting a terrorist while in custody. Is this just? "
Dead, Gone, and in the Ground vs. Fight for Survival - Zombie Fighter
"When the Zombie Apocalypse arrives (Its coming), would you be a zombie fighting survivor or would you rather be dead? "
Another World War is Very Likely vs. The World is Different – Peace Wins
"The world is a volatile place; North Korea attacking South Korea, Israel’s conflict with Palestine and likely conflict with Iran, worldwide economic dysfunction, Greece riots, etc... Will there be another World War in our lifetime? "
9/11 Was an Inside Job vs. 911 Was an Act of Terrorism
"Many people claim 9/11 was orchestrated by the US government and not an act of terrorism planned by Al-Qaeda. There are many arguments supporting the inside job theory but there validity is up for debate. What do you think happened? "
Release the Death Pictures of OBL vs. Don’t Release Osama Bin Laden Picture
"Following many questionable actions taken by the US government following the assassination of Osama Bin Laden many are questioning if he is actually dead. Do you want them to release the death pictures of OBL? Remember Uday and Qusay? "
Fear and Wonder About Intentions vs. No Concerns of Muslims in Airports
"This rivalry was sparked by the Juan Williams controversy. As an individual what personal, internal reaction do you have when you see an obvious (dressed) Muslim in a airport(Post 9/11)? Speak your heart. Let’s have an honest discussion. "
Prepare for Military Intervention vs. Continue Sanctions/Humanitarian Aid
"Should we prepare for military intervention against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his regime or simply continue U.S. sanctions and humanitarian aid to civilian areas? "
North Korea is Bluffing. Not a Threat vs. Kim Jong-un is a Real Threat
"North Korea has been slinging a lot of War Drumming rhetoric in the last couple of weeks. Are they a serious threat to the United States and our Allies? "
Bombing Syria was Wrong Choice vs. Justifiable Response to Chemical WMD
"Was the move by President Trump and the US to attack Syria airfields a justifiable response to the Assad's regime using chemical weapons on their own people or did the US overstep? "
Pretty comical looking back at Facebook immediately censoring this documentary only for it to be proven as accurate information.
Posted in: Plandemic is Credible vs. Just another Conspiracy Theory - (0 Responses)