"America's biggest Threat: Democrat Party or Terrorists? "
"I'm using the internet so I have to say I'm a Democrat right? "
Should he continue as RNC Chairman? vs. Should he resign the Chairmanship?
"Should Mr. Steele resign? Is it time to let someone else take the reigns of the RNC? "
The Libertarian Party vs. The Tea Party
"Most of the members of either party that I have ever known contradict several of their party's policies and mission statements. Do either have a clear platform or voter base? "
Help Obama for the good of America vs. Force a stalemate in politics
"What do you think will happen in Congress if Obama is re-elected? Will House and Senate Republicans work with Obama to fix what's wrong with our economy and unemployment? Or will they force four more years of a political stalemate? "
GOP Has Moved Too Far Left vs. GOP Has Moved Too Far Right
"According to Colin Powell the GOP has moved too far to the right. What's the truth. Too far right or left? "
GOP will Eventually Replace Obamacare vs. Republicans will not Replace ACA
"Will the GOP find a way to repeal and replace Obamacare? Or will they fail miserably like they did a couple weeks back? "
Pretty comical looking back at Facebook immediately censoring this documentary only for it to be proven as accurate information.
Posted in: Plandemic is Credible vs. Just another Conspiracy Theory - (0 Responses)