Keebler Cookies vs. Nabisco Cookies
"Yummy which cookies do you like better? Does Ernie the elf have your vote or is it the maker of Oreo's and Chips Ahoy's? "
Our Health and Well Being vs. Profits - Not Curing but Maintaining
"Pharmaceutical Companies: Are they concerned with curing and helping or profiting and addicting? Watch both Videos. "
Rude and Embarrassing vs. Acceptable - Perfectly Fine
"Is it acceptable to bring your own beverage to an establishment and request a cup of ice as long as you buy food? "
Marriage Can Survive Adultery vs. It Cannot Survive a Cheating Spouse
"Can marriage surive infidelity or is the lack of trust from that point on too much to cope with? What role do kids play? "
Please give me an Epidural! vs. No Way, I'm a tough girl
"If you were having a baby would you choose to have the Epidural or would you want to do it all natural? "
I choose to get the swine flu vaccine vs. Keep it the hell away from me
"Will you be one who chooses to get the swine flu vaccine? "
Childhood Vaccines are not to Blame vs. Vaccines Connected to Autism
"Thousands of parents of autistic children claim that their children were 100% normal before receiving vaccines; specifically the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccinations which are given all at once. Do you think vaccines cause Autism? "
Pregnant Women are Sexy and Cute vs. Nothing Special, Just Carrying a Baby
"There are a number of things that come along with pregnancy; mood swings, physical changes, 30 plus extra pounds but do you think pregnant women are sexy and cute or are they nothing special, just carrying a baby? "
Should be Against the Law. Enforced. vs. It’s Her Body and Personal Choice.
"It is absolutely proven that drinking, smoking, or doing drugs during pregnancy is damaging to the unborn child. (Fetus) However, should there be laws that make these activities illegal or should it be a personal choice for each woman? "
Semolina Porridge vs. Rolled Oats
"Which is a yummier breakfast ? Semolina Porridge or Rolled Oats? "
Pretty comical looking back at Facebook immediately censoring this documentary only for it to be proven as accurate information.
Posted in: Plandemic is Credible vs. Just another Conspiracy Theory - (0 Responses)