It is the democrats who think everyone has a right to own a home. ACORN propelled loans are the biggest reason for the mess we are in right now. I was taught that home ownership is a privilege, not a right. My husband and I worked very hard to buy our first home we had to do without a lot of things in order to make it happen. Loaning money to those who cannot repay it is a poor business practice, not discrimination.
Faith is a hard thing to explain to those who don't possess it. I don't believe I descended from an ape but I can understand how some people have a hard time buying into creationism so I don't judge anyone for it. I don't really care how I got here because I'm just so happy to be here to enjoy it.
History leans on the side of violence if Obama loses this election. I believe the loss will be blamed on race which will trigger violence. I think conservatives will be more likely to feel stressed if McCain loses but Obama supporters will be angry.
Republicans are responsible for deregulation but what you must realize is that the Democrats were the ones (Barny Frank as an example) to push home ownership into low income areas. They actually gave kick backs to banks that issued home loans to high risk borrowers. You can't blame one person, party, or entity for this crisis but to ignore the Democrats involvement is reckless. Of course the idiot borrowers are to blame as well.
This is a recurring argument against Obama. I am genuinely interested (and surprised) why many are concerned about "not knowing enough about Obama"? I confess, I'm not from the US, I'm British, but when someone comes along and sets out a real plan for change that people are instinctively suspicious. The link between Obama and Acorn is so tenuous I'm shocked the McCain camp even bothered to highlight it. If this is the only dirt that can be dug on Obama, I'm voting for the Democratic ticket.
McCain and Palin have failed at almost every turn. They have based their campaign on misquotes and mistruths about Obama and Biden. This deceit will continue into a McCain presidency, crippling not only the internal politics of the US, but the country's international reputation. With segregation comes increased economic turmoil.
On the other hand, Obama has real answers for the real world. My belief, support and hope is behind Barack.
It is a natural human instinct to believe there is a "greater being" who put us on this planet. However, science is proving that evolution is a continuing process (this isn't a theory of something that has "already happened" - it is going on right now). Natural selection, or survival of the fittest, can be observed in everything from humans to bacteria. Evolution is as natural as the Earth orbits the Sun via gravitational interactions. Evolution is a science.
Creationism is a belief. It cannot be compared fairly against evolution. There is no "evolution/creationism" debate, to think otherwise is a huge step backward into the Dark Ages.
I don't believe UFOs came from another dimension, but I do believe "unidentified flying objects" exist. More "government projects" or "unidentified aircraft" than visiting aliens though...
Actually, there's some pretty strong evidence supporting man-made global warming. Solar activity is NOT playing a significant role in warming our climate.
Well i am forced to pick a side although, i believe that it is both parties that is responsible for our economic collapse. How can anyone blame just the democrats.
Is there a middle ground here? I'm definately not opionated or a loud mouth but I am not someone who kisses ass. I did that for 28 years and I dont want to do that anymore. HAHAHA
On the other hand, Obama has real answers for the real world. My belief, support and hope is behind Barack.
Creationism is a belief. It cannot be compared fairly against evolution. There is no "evolution/creationism" debate, to think otherwise is a huge step backward into the Dark Ages.