It is my understanding that both home and away teams handle their own balls. No pun intended. Haha. I am sick of hearing about the Patriots balls. Maybe they knew, maybe they didn't? Regardless they scored 17 in the first half with "deflated balls" and 28 in the second half after the balls were supposedly filled to the proper weight. The colts scored 7 in the first half and 0 in the second. I bet they will have a scale on the field for the super bowl. Every team in the national fakers league cheats. IMO but, I still love it.
I guess it would depend on the frequency. If it were daily then I would go with my inbox but if it was a one time deal; I'd eat some of that nasty canned meat product.
Regardless of the truth it's improbable the missing 2 psi would have had much of an impact on the game. I get the principle of the matter and the Patriots have some serious character issues so I get why people are upset but they won the game and would have regardless.
I guess the better idea would be for the league to not give questionable people the ability to do shady !%?? like this. Here's a novel idea, let the Refs manage the balls instead of the home team. Or is that not in their union contract?
I think it is very much obvious now that many in the media played on the public's fear for ratings purposes. If Ebola had been airborne would it not have been safe to assume that more west African countries would be effected? Instead it is just the opposite. Several countries have now eradicated this virus. Currently there are no cases of Ebola in America.
Innovative and useful but I have to cast a vote for creepy as I have a hard time believing my usage data, audio, queries will be kept safe and sound and not be sold or leased to third parties and or attained by invasive government agencies.
I guess the better idea would be for the league to not give questionable people the ability to do shady !%?? like this. Here's a novel idea, let the Refs manage the balls instead of the home team. Or is that not in their union contract?