Tags: abuse, compassion, donate, heart, help, Homeless, love, Neglect, Neglegance, People, Pets, second chance, sympathy
Posted in Social Issues on December 30th, 2009 by Ryan Kazinec | 2 Comments
If you were to ask my wife if I was a sensitive guy her answer would be a resounding no. In fact aside from a few (several) bad habits I would have to say my lack of sensitivity is one of my character traits that could use some fine tuning. With all of that being said there are a few things that scavenge up some raw emotions. For one, believe it or not I’m a total sap when it comes to chick flicks. Who would have guessed it? Secondly and quite frankly the reason I’m writing this article is my absolute love and affection for animals. Sure I prefer dogs to cats but I have always had special kind of love for animals.
After looking back at a rivalry I started several months ago I decided to raise the same question again, only this time on the JealousBrother blog. As I was working one day in a small town in East Tennessee I noticed a stray dog ravaging the Food Lion (grocery store) parking lot for food. The idea for the rivalry that follows was instantly spurred from my very brief interaction with this poor dog. Every time I see a stray I tend to ask myself multiple questions. Where’s this pets owners? Did they abandon him/her? Should I call the shelter? Will this poor animal end up dead on the side of a road? You get the point.
Who do you have more compassion for, Homeless People or Homeless Animals?
I’ve bumped into a couple of different conversations with people on this very topic and the discussions usually hit altering points of view. The topic I’m referring to is whether you have more compassion/sympathy for a homeless pet or a homeless person. Before you start calling me names and telling me how bad of a person I am I would appreciate at least a minute to explain my point of view.
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Tags: analyisis, Avian, CDC, diagnose, doctor, flu, Government, H1N1, influenza, patient, physician, Pigs, RIDT, rRT-PCR, sub type, swine, tamaflu, test, treat, type a, vaccine
Posted in Swine Flu H1N1 on August 10th, 2009 by Ryan Kazinec | No Comments
After a wonderful 6 day vacation in California my wife and I headed back to Tennessee but my wife didn’t come home alone, she came home with a rapidly changing fever, body aches, headaches, and nausea. In all honesty “Swine Flu (Type A Novel H1N1)” didn’t even cross my mind. Considering we traveled back to Tennessee from California on two different flights it would be easy to understand contracting some kind of illness from being around so many people but no one thinks it can happen to them.
About two days into a rising fever that floated from 99.6 to 101.4 degrees my wife decided to head to the doctor. Once she made it into the clinic she registered a heart wrenching 103.5 degrees. After some back and forth and somewhere around fourteen phone calls including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the doctor came back and was candidly honest with my wife and mother. Much to his dismay he informed them that there was no sub-type specific test available to detect the swine flu (Novel Influenza Type A (H1N1)) without lengthy laboratory analysis. (My wife was told results would take between 7 – 14 days to get back)
You might be asking so what does this mean? There is no way for physicians to test specifically for the swine flu (Novel Influenza Type A (H1N1)) without a positive culture or RT-PCR performed by an approved laboratory. This means that you’ll be completely better or dead before you can find out whether or not you actually had the swine flu and not some other sub-type of the Type A virus. (Which includes the seasonal flu)
According to the CDC, “At this time, there are only two FDA cleared assays for confirmation of novel influenza A(H1N1) virus infection, including the CDC rRT-PCR Swine Flu Panel assay; however, experimental rRT-PCR assays, not approved or authorized by FDA, may be able to detect novel influenza A (H1N1) virus infection.”(source)
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Tags: Abortion, Conservative, Gay Marriage, Liberal, Military, Rush Limbaugh
Posted in Guest Author, Politics on March 26th, 2009 by Guest Author | 20 Comments
My name is Robert Barr, and I voted for Barack Obama. I voted for President Obama because the Republican Party of today is not representative of the Republican Party I grew up with.
You see, I was a Republican, and I voted for Bush – once. But somewhere along the way the GOP stopped caring about my vote. Maybe because I am a conservative that believes in a strong military but also thinks that a woman has the right to chose, or that there is much to be gained from stem cell research and we should fund it with the full throated support of the U.S. government. Maybe it’s my northeast liberal upbringing, but I could care less if a man wants to marry another man, for we should all know the trials and tribulations of love and marriage.
And I think the GOP knows that they need to be a bit more progressive too, but they also know that that can never happen as long as the face of the party remains that of Rush Limbaugh’s.
Because Limbaugh and his ilk and their never ending rants against anyone who isn’t so far right that they fall over is what has pushed me into the loving arms of the Dems. I mean, it’s easy to say you believe in everything one party believes in right? You don’t have to think, you can just say, hey, I’m a Republican, so I have to think this way.
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Tags: administrative, compared, control panel, cpanel, hosting, reviewed, Server, shared hosting, vDeck, web host, website
Posted in Control Panels, Guest Author on February 25th, 2009 by Guest Author | 7 Comments
A web hosting control panel is a web based control interface that helps to ease all the admin work on a hosting account. With the control panel you can easily manage domains, email accounts, install software, backup website data, manage website files and a number of other things needed to operate a website. If we were to compare a website to a human being the web hosting would be the physical body and the control panel would be considered the respiratory system. Every human needs to breath to live.
There are many different brands of control panels available; cPanel is the most popular one while vDeck tends to get overlooked. CPanel has been such a dominant force in the market that most people aren’t aware of the existence of other control panels like vDeck. It’s likely cPanel’s popularity that tends to blind people keeping them from judging rationally. No doubt cPanel is a great control panel but vDeck has made up some ground with their latest release, vDeck 3.0.
CPanel has been incorporated independently since 1997 and has been working to provide the best hosting automation tools. The tool functions include the ability to manage PGP keys, crontab tasks, mail and FTP accounts (including mailing lists). However, the reason cPanel has become so successful is due to its user friendly design and interface. Thanks to the simple yet affective design most people can learn their way around cPanel very quickly. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: bigdump, blog, cpanel, database, import, mysql, phpmyadmin, wordpress
Posted in How To Guides on February 11th, 2009 by Ryan Kazinec | 80 Comments
There are numerous articles that cover the process of transferring a WordPress blog from one server or host to another but I’ve found that most of them left me asking questions after reading them. I am a very visual person and hope the following article and images help you get your WordPress blog transferred successfully. The following article was compiled from firsthand experience of transferring two WordPress blogs from a Godaddy hosting account to my own dedicated linux server.
Make sure and take a side in the rivaly: Blogger vs. WordPress. Which is the better blogging CMS / Platform?
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Tags: iPhone apps
Posted in app reviews on February 9th, 2009 by dennisplucinik | No Comments
From hearing that Mint.com had released an iPhone app and opening the app for the first time, I think I had let about 3 seconds pass.
If you’re one of the 500k people who use Mint and also own an iPhone, I suspect you had just about the same reaction. The funny thing is that I only started using Mint about a month ago and I’m completely in love with it. The fact that all I have to do is open the app and I can see all my up to date financial info… is astonishing.
I had written a post a while ago about some concept iPhone apps I’d love to have, and an HSBC app was on that list. My reasoning was that I hate having to spend so long each time I log into my bank account online. I thought with such a flexible platform such as the iPhone, there much be a quicker way. Unfortunately there wasn’t a way to connect directly to my bank account over the iPhone… keyword being “directly”. Mint’s iPhone app allows me to indirectly view real time account information including the available balance, and transation history. So instead of creating a mock-up of what an HSBC iPhone app might look like, I’m going to pump up Mint’s tire here a bit and give them a review.

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Pretty comical looking back at Facebook immediately censoring this documentary only for it to be proven as accurate information.
Posted in: Plandemic is Credible vs. Just another Conspiracy Theory - (0 Responses)