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Isda Bail in Amendment Agreement

The ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement: What You Need to Know

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) recently announced the implementation of the ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement. This agreement is designed to provide a framework for derivatives contracts to comply with regulatory requirements related to the resolution of financial institutions.

What is the ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement?

The ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement is a set of standardized amendments to ISDA documentation that allow for the inclusion of language designed to comply with the regulatory requirements related to the resolution of financial institutions. Specifically, the amendments allow for the inclusion of provisions that recognize the possibility of a bail-in under relevant laws and regulations.

What is a Bail-In?

A bail-in is a mechanism by which a failing institution can recapitalize itself by writing down or converting its debts into equity. This can be done in a controlled manner, without the need for a government bailout or the imposition of losses on taxpayers.

How does the ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement Work?

The ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement offers a standardized set of provisions that can be incorporated into ISDA documentation, such as master agreements and credit support annexes. These provisions allow for the recognition of relevant bail-in legislation and the inclusion of language that allows for the conversion of derivatives contracts into equity or the write-down of their value in the event of the resolution of a financial institution.

Why is the ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement Important?

The ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement is important because it provides market participants with a standardized set of provisions that can be incorporated into their documentation in order to comply with regulatory requirements related to the resolution of financial institutions. This means that market participants can more easily comply with these requirements and reduce their risk exposure in the event of a financial institution`s resolution.

In addition, the ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement provides clarity and consistency in the application of bail-in legislation across jurisdictions and market participants, reducing the potential for confusion and disputes.


The ISDA Bail-In Amendment Agreement is an important development in the regulation of financial institutions. By providing a standardized set of provisions that allow for compliance with relevant bail-in legislation, market participants can reduce their risk exposure and comply with regulatory requirements in a consistent and transparent manner. It is important for participants in the derivatives market to be aware of these changes and to incorporate them into their documentation in order to ensure compliance.

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