9th Circuit was Wrong - Overstepped vs. Trumps Executive Order is Unlawful
"The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit just ruled against the Trump administration's executive order which prevented anyone from gaining entry to the United States from 7 different countries. This was a temporary ban and would have expired in 90 days. Did the 9th circuit overstep or was their ruling lawful and ..."
Keeping America safe? vs. Alienating America from its Allies
"With drone strikes killing both enemies and civilians, leaving Guantanamo Bay open, circumventing due process of law, and certain provisions of the AUMF left open for interpretation is Obama really watching out for American's safety? "
Nuclear Weapons-Get rid of them!! vs. Nuclear Weapons-A Necessary Evil
"Of all that man has accomplished with nuclear science what do we have to show for? Less dependence on oil? Sustainable energy? NO. Mankind's crowning achievement... ...the ability to destroy it! "
Legalizing Marijuana vs. Keeping Marijuana Criminal
"Is it time to legalize marijuana in California? "