"Who do you side with between the vice presidential hopefuls? "
John McCain - Debate vs. Barack Obama - Debate
"Discussion got pretty heated but who did better in the debate? McCain or Obama? "
McCain-Palin 08 vs. Obama-Biden 08
"Who will win in the Presidential Election in November? "
"If Sarah Palin is elected vice president who will be the most powerful woman in United States? "
Barack Obama vs. Bill O'Reilly
"Who will end up looking better after the interviews are done being aired on the O'reily Factor? "
Michelle Obama vs. Cindy McCain
"Although the First Lady should not be involved in our President's political decisions, there is no question she reflects our country in the eyes of the world. Think Jackie Kennedy Onassis and Eleanor Roosevelt. In my opinion, Cindy McCain will bring intelligence, graciousness and charm to this important position. "
George W. Bush - Dubya vs. Richard Nixon - Tricky Dick
"Out of these two Presidents who will go down in history as the worst? "
"America's biggest Threat: Democrat Party or Terrorists? "
Bringing The Troops Home vs. Improving The US Economy
"What is the most important issue to you right now? Is it more important to bring the troops home or to address the tumbling US economy? "
Volunteer Service vs. Mandatory Draft
"Should the draft be reenstated or should the military be all volunteer? "
Jesse Jackson vs. Barack O'Bama
"In a time where there should be unity, there is disgrace. Who's side do you stand on? Here's the good Reverends quote: "See, Barack's been talking down to black people on this faith-based...I want to cut his nuts off." "
"Are we being Punk'd? Are they really our only options? "