Union Campaign Contributions vs. Corporate Campaign Contributions
"What is more dangerous to the stability of the USA? Uncapped Campaign contributions from the unions or the corporations "
Democrats Should Use Reconciliation vs. They Should Start from Scratch
"Should Obama and the Democrats use Reconciliation to force through the Health Care bill? Or should they start over? "
Democrats Message Was Stronger vs. Republicans Message Was Stronger
"The President and Congress just finished up a bipartisan discussion on Health Care Reform, Which message was stronger? "
I'm More Optimistic After the Speech vs. I'm Even More Fearfull Now
"After watching the hour and ten minute state of the union speech are you more or less optimistic about our future? "
GOP Republicans Will Gain Control vs. GOP Will Remain the Minority Party
"The Massachusetts win for the GOP (Scott Brown) has raised some questions. Will the GOP win Majority in 2010? "
There is a Party Double Standard vs. There is No Party Double Standard
"We've seen the attacks on Right leaning people regarding racial comments but did Harry Reid get the same treatment? "
Janet Napolitano Should Keep Her Job vs. Janet Napolitano Should Be Fired
"Janet Napolitano recently said "The System Worked" when asked about the Thwarting of the Terrorist attack on a Airline. "
We Are Safer with Obama in Office vs. We Are Less Secure with Obama
"Considering the recent terrorist attacks (Fort Hood and Airplane in Detrioit) are we safer or in more danger with Obama? "
Sarah Palin is Ready to Lead the USA vs. Sarah Palin Not Ready for Presidency
"Is Sarah Palin ready (qualified) to be president of the USA? Or will she ever be ready? How do you feel about her 2012 chances and whether or not she will or should run? Would you vote for her in the primary? "
Uphold and Abide by the Constitution vs. Constitution is Outdated/Irrelevant
"Are you okay with the continued destruction of the US Constitution or do you believe our Founders got it right? "
Sign of Things to Come for 2010 vs. Insignificant - Just a Few Elections
"Will the outcome of the elections in New Jersey, New York (23rd), and Virginia be a sign of things to come in 2010? "
Illegal Aliens Should Be Counted vs. Illegal Aliens Shouldn't Be Counted
"Stop and think for a minute! Should Illegal Immigrants be counted in the 2010 US Census? "