There Should Be Negative Stigmas vs. They Need Help Not To Be Scorned
"Should collecting public welfare (Food Stamps, Unemployment, Medicare, Medicaid, etc..) come with negative stigmas? "
Recycle. Be Green. vs. Send to landfill
"Do you recycle or throw away? Why or why not? "
"Summer is here! Prefer swimming in a pool or like lake/ocean swimming? "
Gay Commitment vs. Non Gay Commitment
"Should gays be allowed to have marriage, civil union or other commitment equal to marriage? "
West Coast Americans vs. East Coast Americans
"Which coast has the more intelligent population? I know it's general, but I'm curious on what people think. "
I Can Rely On My Family More vs. I Can Rely On My Friends More
"Who can you rely on more when it really comes down to it? "
"When it comes to dining out do you leave good tips or are your El Cheapo? "
"Who does divorce have more of an effect on, the kids, or the parents? "
Local Friends vs. Cyber Friends
"Who do you find is more supportive and reliable? You're local friends or those you've met in cyber space? "
The Personal Diary vs. The Personal Blog
"Should your thoughts and feelings be contained in a personal diary or published for the world to see on a public blog? "
Having Kids vs. Not Having Kids
"Would you rather have kids or would you be satisfied never having any? Also, with the economy do you think now is a good time to plan on children? "