Regular Diapers vs. Cloth Diapers
"Do you prefer using regular diapers or cloth diapers? "
Full time working Mommy vs. Working full time away from home
"Do you think it is harder to be a Full Time stay at home mom or a Full Time employee working outside the home? "
That’s Homophobia and Absurd vs. Troops Should Have the Choice
"On December 22nd, 2010 President Obama signed into law a bill that does away with the long standing “Don’t ask don’t tell”. Should heterosexual troops be able to choose whether they bunk or shower with homosexual troops of the same sex? "
Working a Regular Job. Family Time vs. Career you Enjoy. Lack of Family Time
"Which is more important to you? A job that allows plenty of time with your family or a career you enjoy but impedes with the family time? "
Kissing Children on the Lips Is Okay vs. The Lips are for Intimacy. Cheek Only
"I heard an interesting discussion on the Hallerin Hilton Hill show here in Knoxville; is it okay for parents or family to kiss children on the lips? Or is that too intimate and inappropriate. Also consider; is it okay to bathe with babies? "
I'd Rather Deal with Yuppie Snobs vs. Bring on the Trashy and Un-Educated
"What type of person would you rather deal with? This could be in a business environment or out in public. Would you rather interact with yuppie snobs or their trashy and likely un-educated counterparts? "
Ignorance is Easier to Tolerate vs. Arrogance is Easier to Tolerate
"We all have unique character traits with some being positive and others not so much but when it comes to other people, are more tolerant of people who are exceedingly arrogant or overwhelmingly Ignorant? "
Dogs - Canines are Better Listeners vs. Husband – Spouse – Significant Other
"Long and stressful day, drama at work, problems with the in-laws (Family), cramps, headaches, jerk off boss; whatever the reason for your stress, who is the better listener? Who is more helpful with alleviating the stress? Dog or Lover? "
I Want to Know the Sex of my Baby vs. I Want the Sex to be a Surprise
"When you're expecting a baby do you want to know what the sex is so you can plan ahead or should it be a surprise? "
EAS and get out of the military vs. Reenlist for another 4 years
"Im confused and dont know what to do. what does jealous brother think? "
Parents Should Buy Teens First Car vs. Teens Should Buy Their Own First Car
"Should Teenagers have to buy their own first car or should parents pay for it the first time out? What about insurance? "
Its Harder Raising Babies vs. Puppies Are Much Harder to Raise
"It's been said that puppies are advanced toddlers on crack but is it babies or puppies that are more difficult to raise? "