"Who do you believe will honestly lead America back on track? Who will lower unemployment, lower the deficit, cut spending, form great foreign relations, fight for equal rights, and uphold the true values of the Constitution? "
Stand in Protest. Vote for No One vs. Vote for the Lesser of the Evils
"Time and time again we are forced to choose between the less of two, three, or four evils when choosing who to elect into powerful political positions. Is it better to vote for the lesser of the evils or should you vote for no one? "
I Stand by him. Good for Congress. vs. Alan Grayson is Unfit for Congress
"Watch the two videos below and then decide whether you believe Alan Grayson is fit to represent Floridians in the US congress. In his latest attack ad against his opponent Daniel Webster he calls him Taliban Dan. Is he suited for Congress? "
Sign of Things to Come for 2010 vs. Insignificant - Just a Few Elections
"Will the outcome of the elections in New Jersey, New York (23rd), and Virginia be a sign of things to come in 2010? "
GOP Republicans Will Gain Control vs. GOP Will Remain the Minority Party
"The Massachusetts win for the GOP (Scott Brown) has raised some questions. Will the GOP win Majority in 2010? "
President Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney
"Well, now that the nominees are pretty much spoken for, who do you think deserves to be the next President of the United States? Explain why? "
The Republican Party vs. The Tea Party
"Which party will be more relevant in the upcoming 2010 and 2012 elections? "
Uninformed Voter Should Not Vote! vs. Vote Anyway, It’s Important.
"At the voting precinct we witnessed a young man (Probably 19) asking the election workers why he couldn’t vote bipartisan and asked if multiple candidates were liberal or republicans. Obviously not informed. Should he have stayed home? "
Popular Vote vs. Electoral Vote
"Has the usefulness of the Electoral College run its course? Should the President be elected simply by the majority or should we still depend upon the Electoral College to determine our nation's highest office? "
I Like the Santorum Rombo Ad vs. Stupid Political Rhetoric. Bad Ad.
"The Rick Santorum campaign just released a new campaign ad with a Mitt Romney lookalike slinging muddy rounds from a gun at Presidential hopeful Santorum. Is this ad a creative political campaign ad or is it childish irrelevant rhetoric? "
Union Campaign Contributions vs. Corporate Campaign Contributions
"What is more dangerous to the stability of the USA? Uncapped Campaign contributions from the unions or the corporations "
No Sample Ballot on Website is Absurd vs. Shouldn't be expected in Small County
"I recently navigated to the Monroe County TN election commission website in search of a sample ballot for the August 2nd 2012 primary and found they haven’t updated the site in over two years. Is this unacceptable or small town politics? "
Pretty comical looking back at Facebook immediately censoring this documentary only for it to be proven as accurate information.
Posted in: Plandemic is Credible vs. Just another Conspiracy Theory - (0 Responses)