Paul Ryan Is Great VP Choice vs. Mitt Could Have Done Better
"The Mitt Romney campaign has announced that Paul Ryan a Representative of Wisconsin’s 1st district will be their Vice Presidential nominee for the 2012 election. Is this a smart choice for the Romney camp or could they have done better? "
Judicial Experience Ought Be Required vs. Legal Experience Is Enough - Kagan
"President Obama has nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the open Supreme Court seat created by retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. Is it a problem that this nominee has no prior experience as a judge? Or is legal experience enough? "
Former Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice vs. Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell
"With much speculation this week on whom Republican nominee Mitt Romney will choose as his running mate, which one would your prefer to see on the ticket this fall? "
Bill Haslam is Buying the Election vs. Worthy Candidate. Has my Vote.
"If you watched the 2010 Tennessee Gubernatorial debate, listened to the campaign ads and interviews on the radio you’ve heard Ron Ramsey and Zach Wamp both claim that Bill Haslam is attempting to buy the governorship. Is this the case? "
Representative Todd Akin (R-MO) vs. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO)
"Who deserves to be the next Senator from the Show Me State? Have Akin's reprehensible remarks done irrevocable harm to his chances? Or does he still stand a chance... ...and should he? "
Randi Shannon-Legitimate Decision vs. Randi Shannon-Crazy Town, USA
"Seriously, this Iowan GOP candidate has decided to quit the race in her district to become Senator for an Alternative Government apparently known as the Republic of the United States of America. This is not a joke. "
Pretty comical looking back at Facebook immediately censoring this documentary only for it to be proven as accurate information.
Posted in: Plandemic is Credible vs. Just another Conspiracy Theory - (0 Responses)